Modern mix Classical in Family Room


Family members can gather together in the living room, is something fun. Increasingly warm family room with jokes jokes fathers, mothers and their children.

This family room is dominated by elements of earth-colored, ranging from brown soil, until light brown (beige). From appearances, this space is to apply classical and modern style arrangement.

Besides color, there are a variety of features that make the family room of classical and modern atmosphere. For example, a profile on the furniture. In one single chair, there are profiles decorate armrest. The combination of color, brown and gold. The existence of the profile and the alloy elements and the golden brown color that signifies the application of classical elements.

Black marker element into this space that you want to bring a modern feel. Application of this black color seen in table made of wood. There are also several other black accessories are placed there. For example, cushion floral velvet roses and a long table under the television.


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