Making Fences with Natural Shades of Stone Material


The fence is the outermost part of the house. Position around the house, greatly affect the appearance of the facade. Trying something new will make the fence and was no longer monotonous facades.

The fence consists of six walls, which have different height. The six walls using natural stone coating material, with different sizes. Closing the side wall of natural stone abstract, measuring 5cmx10cm. The top uses a square stone, measuring 10cmx10cm. Despite having different height and width, but the same thickness, which is 20cm. Each section of the wall fence, separated by a gap distance of 20cm. This gap is made with the intention of giving the impression of transparency. In addition, to minimize manufacturing costs.

Installation of a layer made ​​of natural stone such as broken stone structure. The pattern of mounting a slightly irregular, reinforcing the impression that arise naturally. The beauty of natural stone fence complete with a few shrubs. Beautify the fence is easy, because the appearance of natural stone, easily combined with various types of plants. For lighting the park at night, in every crevice of the fence, installed floodlights. Lights deliberately placed slightly to the inside of the house. So the light leads to the appearance of the front of the house.


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